The Student Government Association at Catawba College is one of many organizations that allow students to share their voice and opinions about ongoing issues on campus. The SGA Executive officers for the 2017-2018 school year are as follows: Gavin Wooten as President, Payton Coleman as Vice President, Adna Music as Secretary and Molly Sue Harmon as Treasurer.
SGA is an organization that allows students to practice building interpersonal skills, as well as provides students the opportunity to pursue leadership roles. This organization is able to relay student’s thoughts on numerous issues including campus safety, student life, residence life, and academics to the Catawba campus leadership and the Board of Trustees.
Former President Blake Brewer, a member of SGA for his entire career, stated he was very happy with the newly elected leadership and has full confidence that they will represent the students of Catawba well. He explained, “These officers are about to be exposed to all aspects of how college works and I truly believe that the new leadership will be able to grapple with many of the issues that Catawba’s campus, like many other colleges, face.”
Elected to take Brewer’s place as Executive President is Senior Gavin Wooten. Serving on congress for two years and as a financial aid student assistant, Wooten says that he is excited to take on this new role and hopes that it will aide in his involvement with the community on campus. His passion for Catawba is what will continue to motivate him as President of SGA, promising, “to let every student’s voice be heard.”
A junior at Catawba, Payton Coleman decided to step down from her role as President of SGA for her class and will take on the role as Executive Vice President. Coleman has served as President of her class since the beginning of her Freshman year but felt that there is more to be done around campus. She stated, “I decided to run for Vice President so I could begin working with more administration and become a liaison for any student concerns.” Payton Coleman always pride’s herself as being a voice for the people and wants to continue to increase her involvement in that role through her experience as an executive leader. One of Coleman’s main goals is to focus on increasing campus involvement and student enjoyment on behalf of all Catawba students. SGA will allow her to bring new ideas and receive insight from her fellow officers on which ideas will benefit Catawba in the long run.
SGA remains an active organization at Catawba and provides many students the chance to understand how leadership and teamwork have an impact on and off campus. This organization serves students, faculty, and staff in that it provides them with an outlet to express their opinions on important issues that continue to affect Catawba. The new Executive officers look forward to their new roles and are excited to introduce new ideas to campus leadership and the Board of Trustees members. They truly look forward to continuing to strive for the best for Catawba and all who attend!