This past week, Tuesday the 25th through Saturday the 29th, Catawba performed the show “The Fantasticks” for the second time. Catawba originally performed this show in 1962, two years after it first appeared on Broadway. It is commonly regarded as the world’s longest running musical since it ran for 42 years off Broadway. The show was so popular this year that it sold out on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. The shows even had a waiting list in case some people did not show up and others could have their seats if they paid. Unfortunately for the last comers, everyone showed up. With the popularity of the show, you would think that they would have held it in a larger theatre on campus instead of the Florence Busby Corriher Theatre, the smallest of three theatres on campus.
Everyone on Facebook and Twitter raved about the show. However, by word of mouth, people agreed that the show itself was eccentric and bizarre but that the acting and the directing was phenomenal. The director of the show, Allison Andrews, is a senior Theatre Arts Education major and is president of The Blue Masque, the theatre arts club on campus.