March 31, 2025
  • 3:04 pm Catawba’s Women Soccer 2023 Season
  • 6:28 pm Catawba Track and Field Prepares for Championship Season
  • 12:57 am Men’s Basketball Caps off Another Successful Season
  • 1:45 pm Give My Regards To Broadway
  • 7:22 pm Catawba Men’s Lacrosse

One of the many lessons we learn in college is that, whether you are the most laid back person or the kindest you can be, it is not easy to live with somebody. Before college, all we needed to worry about was mom and dad walking into a room full of clothes, shoes, and other belongings thrown around haphazardly on the floor or piled into the closet with the only worry of how they would react.  Now that those days are over and students at Catawba had to learn (or still are learning) that living with someone takes compromise and communication in order to be successful. Some roommates are realizing that maybe their living situation is just not going to work out without intervention.

The one thing to remember when dealing with roommate issues is to understand that there are two people in the room, not just yourself. It would benefit you to be considerate of your roommate and his/her needs as well as making your needs known as well.  Much like any relationship, talking things out and setting up systems that require both people to be mutually responsible for different aspects such as cleaning and maintaining the room, purchasing items, and respecting each others’ schedules.

However, there are situations that cannot be solved by simply abiding by a set of rules. Mediation might need to take place between you and your roommate and if required, your resident assistants are there to help handle the situation so that the matter can be solved without conflict or tension. Remember, although it takes some effort and understanding to live with someone who might be the exact opposite from you, having a roommate is an opportunity for you to learn how to compromise and deal with situations you would not normally be placed in. College is a time to grow and develop, not only in the classroom but as a person, and dealing with a roommate (good or bad) is just another way to help you mature into a sensible, problem-solving adult.
