March 14, 2025
  • 3:04 pm Catawba’s Women Soccer 2023 Season
  • 6:28 pm Catawba Track and Field Prepares for Championship Season
  • 12:57 am Men’s Basketball Caps off Another Successful Season
  • 1:45 pm Give My Regards To Broadway
  • 7:22 pm Catawba Men’s Lacrosse

Salisbury hosted several events in the past few weeks trying to gain the towns interest into equipping the whole city with as many solar panels as possible. It all began with the Solarize Salisbury at the Lee Street Theatre downtown. The Solarize event was open to the public and allowed local citizens to get rough […]


This year’s homecoming theme was “There’s No Place Like Catawba,” a pun off of the famous Wizard of Oz quote “There’s no place like home.” The week kicked off on Tuesday with a “Make it, Take it” night featuring custom koozies, car decals and lucky bamboo plants. On Wednesday was the infamous Lip Sync competition. […]


It is that time of year again where Student Affairs puts on their annual fundraiser, the Duck Draw! This year marks their 11th year hosting this fundraiser. The Duck Draw is a fundraiser that helps provide Thanksgiving meals for families that need assistance this holiday season. The meals include: a 10-12 lb. turkey, rice, one […]


On Tuesday October the 7th, Dr. Folami Iderabdullah gave a talk at Catawba College on the consequences of living with chemicals, for better or for worse. Dr. Iderabdullah is an assistant professor at UNC Chapel Hills Nutrition Research Institution (NRI) in Kannapolis working in the departments of Genetics and Nutrition. According to Dr. Iberabdullah, the […]


Robert K. Rose, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Biological Sciences at Old Dominion University of Norfolk, Virginia visited Catawba on Friday, October 3rd, 2014. Professor Emeritus Robert Rose began teaching at the University of Norfolk in 1979 and is a biologist with a focus in on small mammals. He talked to students about the […]