Friday, March 21st, the dystopian film Divergent, based on the novel of the same name by author Veronica Roth, premiered in theaters. Divergent is one of three books that follow in the footsteps of The Hunger Games trilogy: a young woman rises against the oppressive society she is born into, making new allies and enemies […]
READ MOREThe Catawba College Theatre department hosted the Outrageous Dance Project from February 27th through March 1st. The Dance Project consisted of collaborations of dances with two Catawba dance companies and another visiting company. The two Catawba companies were the Threnody Ensemble and the Catawba Reperatory Company, and the visiting company was Ballet Pensacola from Pensacola, […]
READ MORELife Size will play Salisbury’s Lee Street Theatre this Saturday (March 1st, 2014) to celebrate the release of “Mockingbird Alarmclock,” the rock/pop band’s much-anticipated debut EP. Life Size members include Silas Boyle (Vocals/Guitar/Piano) of Louisville, Ky.; Jake Martin (Vocals/Guitar) of St. Louis, Mo.; Allijah Motika (Vocals/Guitar/Piano) of Asheville; Tevin Carr (Drums) of Statesville; and Greg […]