February 23, 2025
  • 3:04 pm Catawba’s Women Soccer 2023 Season
  • 6:28 pm Catawba Track and Field Prepares for Championship Season
  • 12:57 am Men’s Basketball Caps off Another Successful Season
  • 1:45 pm Give My Regards To Broadway
  • 7:22 pm Catawba Men’s Lacrosse

The prospect of college is both exciting and scary for many budding college students. New opportunities to develop can be overshadowed by fear and doubt which can lead to a less than stellar four-year experience. Remember that college is a time for change and growth and here are a few things (in no particular order) that you will learn during your journey into higher education:


#1: Independence…the double-edged sword – One of the many perks of attending a four-year university is living on campus which you will come to find out has its ups and downs. On one hand, a college provides you with many opportunities to develop as an individual. Finally, you get to make your own rules and your own schedule (and yes, Netflix will very much be apart of your life for the next four years, just saying). No longer will you have parents badgering you go to sleep, do your homework, or wash a single dish! The issue is, however; this newfound independence comes with new responsibilities. You will learn that the decisions you make have rewards and consequences attached to them and it is up to you to determine which you would prefer. Want to skip class? Go ahead (but don’t say I didn’t warn you).


#2: Being uncomfortable isn’t always a bad thing – These next four years will be filled with new and exciting experiences and some of which you may enjoy less than others. Not only are you fleshing out your future career path but you are also figuring yourself out as a person. Finding out what you like and dislike is a continual process and college is a prime example of this. You will encounter people with different backgrounds, lifestyles, beliefs than you are accustomed to and at first, you may not like it. It is hard for anyone to adjust to new people and situations that they have never experienced and it can be quite scary and even intimidating at first. Just remember to be patient and stay true to yourself but still, be opened to the idea of new things. You never know what could happen.


#3: Relationships come and go (and that’s okay) –  People change, just like the seasons and that’s perfectly alright. Change is a process that everyone experiences and you will realize this more than ever as your relationships develop over time. At first, the excitement of being in the largest concentration of people your own age will be the greatest thing ever…until it isn’t anymore. Not that you won’t enjoy yourself but you will become more aware of yourself and more aware of what you want in friends and potential partners. You will learn that it is normal for people to drift apart and it is the quality of the relationships that matter, not the quantity.


#4: You’ll learn to stretch a buck (especially when that’s all you have) – Money is an important thing to have, especially when you are on your own. Unfortunately, being a college student isn’t always conducive to having  money for discretionary spending. You will learn to manage your funds wisely through saving and budgeting in order to pay for food, books, and emergencies. Yes, your parents will be there to lend a hand but think of this as a perfect time to practice financing for the future. Learn how to be responsible with your funds and most importantly, how to say NO! In the long run, you will be doing yourself a huge favor if you adapt these skills into your life now rather than later.


#5: No, you don’t have to have it all figured out right now – Okay, bare with me here. It is scary to think about the future and all of the never-ending possibilities but remember- there are NEVER-ENDING POSSIBILITIES! Yes, it is important to take your schooling seriously and, equally, to maintain perseverance! However, there is no rule that says you have to know your exact career path right away. You will see friends who are doing big things with their lives and some that are not, but you should not let this discourage you. Everyone is different and becoming frustrated with yourself will not help you get to that point any sooner. So take your time, test the waters and determine what is right for you! Remember that in the rocky waves of this crazy life, you are still the captain of your own ship! Now go forth and conquer!
